Company financial are available for 40,000 Indian companies, including 7,000 listed and 33,000 private.
Our private company data cover company profile,banker,credit rating,financial statement and highlights.
Select financial data points as criteria to generate a list of ideas,result and find a targets. Save it for future use.
Database of more than 30,000 Indian companies, of which more than 25000 are Private Limited companies. 1750 unique financial data fields compiled from Annual reports
Company financial are available for 40,000 Indian companies, including 7,000 listed and 33,000 private with 1750 unique financial data fields compiled from Annual Report.
Basic Details, Profile, Banker, Credit Rating Information, Key Financial Highlights, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Cash Flow
Company Profile, Board Member, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Cash Flow, Segment Finance [Standalone & Consolidated]. Ratios, Stock Price, Results, Product Detail, Capital Structure and Share Holding information
Digital report available for conference call transcripts, analyst meet presentation, results and annual report.
Aggregated analysis on annual and quarterly financial statement. Industry new, analysis, ratio and scoreboard.
14 Different industries specific financial statement format of Profit & Loss, Balance sheet and Cash flow.
More than just data access news coverage of corporate, IPO, mutual fund, economy and market Commentary.
Know what is happening in various market such equities, derivatives, commodities and economy in Market Section.
Select financial data points as criteria to generate a list of ideas, result and find a targets. Save it for future use.
Create, track your own set of companies
1. Use of the Product is permitted only to authorized client and their employees. Client will not allow or permit any third party to do so.
2. Client will not make a copy, transfer or distribute (whether by license, loan, rental, sale or otherwise) all or any part of the Product, during the validity of the License or thereafter.
3. Subscription / Renewal fee is liable to be forfeited if the data or login access is passed on by client to anyone else.
4. Subscription / Renewal fee is not refundable.
5. Subscriber are convinced that all care and caution has been taken by you to compile the ACE Analyser and in the development of the Product; in no event (including but not limited to negligence) you will be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or claim as a result of the use of the Product.
6. The consideration is exclusive of all taxes, statutory expenses and all miscellaneous charges payable there on as of the date of execution of this contract. Any such charges levied in future by any authority all be charged separately to the purchaser.
7. We grant the Accord Fintech [] a limited license to use our trade name and/or trademark for the limited purpose of referring our name in the vendor’s marketing material and on the vendor’s web site as a 'client of the vendor'.
8. As per the service contract the service shall be provided for a period of 12 months from the date of access. Until and unless subscriber inform about the discontinuation of service in writing, as per the contract, the service, at the sole discretion of Accord Fintech, shall be renewed and continued for a further period of the initial term at the same terms and conditions.
You can get your password from here.
Client [ User] Understood and Accepted that:
1. Use of the Product is permitted only to client and our employees. We shall not allow or permit any third party to do so.
2. We shall not make a copy, transfer or distribute (whether by license, loan, rental, sale or otherwise) all or any part of the Product, during the validity of the License or thereafter.
3.Subscription / Renewal fee is liable to be forfeited if the data is passed on by client to anyone else.
5. We are convinced that all care and caution has been taken by you to compile the ACE Analyser Database and in the development of the Product; in no event (including but not limited to negligence) you will be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or claim as a result of the use of the Product.
7. We grant the Accord Fintech [ ] a limited license to use our trade name and/or trademark for the limited purpose of referring our name in the vendor’s marketing material and on the vendor’s web site as a 'client of the vendor'.
8. As per the service contract the service shall be provided for a period of 12 months from the date of access. Until and unless we inform you about the discontinuation of service in writing, as per the contract, the service, at the sole discretion of Accord Fintech, shall be renewed and continued for a further period of the initial term at the same terms and conditions. You will inform us in advance in case if any changes in terms and conditions.